LiftExpress - connecting MC9090 to your network
Open the mobile companion utility, by tapping on the wireless icon shown in the bottom system tray.
On the Mobile Companion menu, select Find WLANS.
The device should discover the Wireless LAN name of your network.
Tap and Hold, on the name of your network. Dots should encircle around the name of your wireless network. Now, choose Connect.
The Profile Entry screen should display.
Verify that the Profile Name and ESSID match to your network.
Tap on Next to go to the next step.
Verify the operating mode is Infrastructure and the country is ‘Any Country’.
Tap on Next to go to the next step.
If your network requires authentication, tap on the drop down menu and choose the appropriate authentication type. Otherwise, tap on Next.
If your network requires Encryption, tap on the drop down menu, choose the appropriate security settings.
Verify the Key Index is set to 1.
Note: If you are using a Passkey, select the checkbox to use the passkey.
Tap on Next to go to the next step.
Enter your encryption keys as appropriate, as you type it will replace the *’s on the screen for each field.
Tap on Next to go to the next step.
In the IP Address Entry screen, Eclipse recommends that you setup your RF devices as Static IP addresses. Choose from the drop down menu Static, and click Next.
In the next IP address Entry screen, enter the IP address and subnet mask for this device.
If you do not wish to utilize DNS servers, click Next and skip to step n.
If you wish to enter DNS, gateway and WINS information, select the Advanced checkbox and click Next.
Enter the G/W (Gateway), DNS, and WINS server information as appropriate, then click Next.
In the Battery Usage screen, leave the radio button for Fast Power Save selected, and click Finish.
The device should now be connected to the network.
The Manage Profiles screen should now be displayed.
If you are continuing from the previous steps, skip to step 3, otherwise go to step 2.
To open the manage profiles window, tap on the wireless icon in the tray, and select ‘Manage Profiles’.
In the Manage Profiles window, Tap and Hold on the name of your profile. Circles should appear, followed by a dropdown menu.
Select Export
In the Save As screen, Press the enter key to save this information to the RF device.
In the Manage Profiles Screen, tap on the X in the top right to close this window.
The wireless is now configured.